Krannert faculty, alumni and current PhD student earn research honors
Monday, September 9, 2019
- Fabrice Lumineau, associate professor of strategic management, received the Most Influential Article Award from the Academy of Management Conflict Management Division for his paper, “Trust and Collaboration in the Aftermath of Conflict: The Effects of Contract Structure.” Lumineau also received a 2019 Ambassador Award from the Journal of Operations Management.
- Ph.D. graduate Kubilay Cirik was named a Dissertation Award finalist by the Academy of Management Strategic Management Division for his dissertation, “Three Essays on Entry Timing.”
- Mingtao Xu, a Ph.D. student in the Krannert School of Management, received the Distinguished Student Paper Award from the Academy of Management Strategic Management Division for the paper, “Value Appropriation Mechanisms and Resource Valuation: A Theory of Patent Monetization.”
We congratulate them on their honors.