Case Competition Skills Workshop
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Marc Cosentino, author of case interview preparation book Case in Point, will be facilitated a workshop to help students sharpen case competition skills. The August 28 workshop engaged 147 students from across the Purdue campus.
A student's perspective
"Marc's workshop was a comprehensive and structured overview of the case competition process that was helpful to both first-timers and case comp pros alike. It was great to see all the little parts we've heard in the past come together and play into a bigger picture of the process. His examples were clear, straightforward, and concise. Super helpful!"
"I've used Marc's Case In Point book to prepare for case interviews in the past and it was awesome to meet him in person and experience him delivering the same level of wisdom in his workshop!"
Christopher Jing
Economics and Finance, Minor in Statistics - Purdue University
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