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Stephen Martin

Stephen Martin

Professor of Economics


Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S., Mathematics, Michigan State University

Professor Martin's research interests include antitrust and competition policy, market integration, and the economics of innovation. His primary teaching interests are industrial economics and the economics of antitrust and competition policy. He has over 40 publications in refereed journals, including "The nature of innovation market failure and the design of public support for private innovation" with John T. Scott, Research Policy, 29(4-5), April 2000, pp. 437-47; "Vertical foreclosure in experimental markets" with Hans-Theo Normann and Christopher Snyder, Rand Journal of Economics, 32(3), Autumn 2001, pp. 466-96; "Spillovers, appropriability, and R&D," Journal of Economics, 75(1), 2002, pp. 1-32; "Sunk cost and entry," Review of Industrial Organization, 20(4), June 2002, pp. 291304; "Competition policy for high technology industries," Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 1(4), 2001, pp. 441-665; "The evaluation of strategic research partnerships," Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 15(2), June 2003, pp. 159-176, "Competition policy, collusion, and tacit collusion," International Journal of Industrial Organization 24(6), November 2006, "State aid to business," (joint with Paola Valbonesi), Patrizio Bianchi and Sandrine Labory, editors, International Handbook of Industrial Policy, 2006. "Remembrance of things past: antitrust, ideology, and the development of industrial economics," in Ghosal and Stennek, editors, The Political Economy of Antitrust, Elsevier, 2006, "The Goals of Antitrust and Competition Policy," Wayne Dale Collins, editor, Issues in Competition Law and Economics, American Bar Association, 2008, and "Market performance implications of the transfer price rule, (joint with Jan Vandekerckhove), forthcoming, Southern Economic Journal. He is the author of several textbooks, most recently Industrial Organization in Context (Oxford University Press, 2010).

Journal Articles

  • Martin, Stephen, and Choudhury, Subhasish M. (2017). "Exclusivity and Exclusion in Platform Markets." Journal of Economics vol. 120 (2), 95-118.
  • Hinloopen, J. and Martin, S. (2017). "Costly location in Hotelling duopoly." Research in Economics vol. 71 118-128.
  • Martin, S. & Scott, J. T. (2017). "GTE Sylvania and Interbrand Competition as the Primary Concern of Antitrust Law." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 51 (2), 217-233.
  • Banerjee, T. & Martin, S. (2015). "Pharmaceutical regulation and innovative performance: a decision-theoretic model." Managerial and Decision Economics vol. 36 (3), 177-190.
  • Martin, Stephen (2015). "Areeda-Turner and the Treatment of Exclusionary Pricing under U.S. Antitrust and EU Competition Policy." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 46 (2), 229-252.
  • Guenster, A. & Martin, S. (2015). "A Holy Alliance: Collusion in the Renaissance Europe Alum Market." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 47 (1), 1-23.
  • Hinloopen, Jeroen & Martin, Stephen (2015). "Introduction: 40 years of Areeda-Turner." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 46 (2), 205-207.
  • Martin, S. (2015). "Refusal to Deal and Investment in Product Quality." Research in Law and Economics vol. 27 43-66.
  • Martin, S. & Vandekerckhove, J. (2013). "Market performance implications of the Transfer Price Rule." Southern Economic Journal vol. 80 (2), 466-487. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S. (2012). "Market Structure and Market Performance." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 40 87-108.
  • Martin, S. and Valbonesi, P. (2008). "Equilibrium state aid in integrating markets." B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy vol. 8 (1), article 33. | Download |
  • Martin, Stephen (2006). "Competition policy, collusion, and tacit collusion." International Journal of Industrial Organization
  • Martin, Stephen (2004). "Applied industrial organization: methodologies and research agenda." Economia e Politica Industriale vol. 123 61-80.
  • Martin, S. (2003). "The Evaluation of Strategic Research Partnerships." Technology Analysis and Strategic Management vol. 15 (2), 159-176. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S. (2002). "Spillovers, Appropriability, and R&D." Journal of Economics vol. 75 (1), 1-32.
  • Martin, S. (2002). "Sunk Cost and Entry." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 20 (4), 291-304. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S. (2001). "Competition Policy for High Technology Industries." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade vol. 1 (4), 441-65.
  • Martin, S., Normann, H., & Snyder, C. (2001). "Vertical Foreclosure in Experimental Markets." Rand Journal of Economics vol. 32 (3), 466-96. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S., & Scott, J. (2000). "The Nature of Innovation Market Failure and the Design of Public Support for Private Innovation." Research Policy vol. 29 (5), 437-47.
  • Martin, S. (1999). "Trade and Competition." The World Economy vol. 22 (6), 895-907.
  • Martin, S. (1998). "Strategic and Welfare Implications of Bundling." Economics Letters vol. 62 (3), 371-6. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S., & Schrader (1998). "Vertical Market Participation." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 13 (3), 321-31.
  • Martin, S., & Hinloopen, J. (1997). "Market Structure Determinants of National Brand-Private Label Price Differences of Manufactured Food Products: Comment." Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 45 (2), 219-23.
  • Martin, S. (1996). "R&D Joint Ventures and Tacit Product Market Collusion." European Journal of Political Economy vol. 11 (4), 733-741.
  • Martin, S. (1996). "Protection, Promotion and Cooperation in the European Semiconductor Industry." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 11 (5), 721-735.
  • Martin, S. (1995). "European Food Processing Industries." European Review vol. 3 (2), 147-157.
  • Martin, S. (1995). "Oligopoly Limit Pricing: Strategic Substitutes, Strategic Complements." International Journal of Industrial Organization vol. 13 (1), 41-65.
  • Martin, S. (1994). "Private and Social Incentives to Form R&D Joint Ventures." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 9 (2), 157-171.
  • Martin, S. (1993). "Endogenous Firm Efficiency in a Cournot Principal-Agent Model." Journal of Economic Theory vol. 59 (2), 445-50.
  • Martin, S. & Evans, A. (1991). "Socially Acceptable Distortion of Competition: Ec Policy on State Aid." European Law Review vol. 16 (2), 79-111.
  • Martin, S. (1991). "Direct Foreign Investment in the United States." Journal of Economic Behavior And Organization vol. 6 283-93.
  • Martin, S. (1990). "Modeling Oligopolistic Interaction." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 5 (3), 71-89.
  • Martin, S. (1989). "Sunk Costs, Financial Markets, and Contestability." European Economic Review vol. 33 (6), 1089-113.
  • Martin, S. (1988). "The Measurement of Profitability and the Diagnosis of Market Power." International Journal of Industrial Organization vol. 6 (3), 301-21.
  • Martin, S. (1988). "Market Power and/or Efficiency?" Review of Economics and Statistics vol. 70 (2), 331-35.
  • Martin, S., Scherer, F., Long, W., Mueller, D., Pascoe, G., Ravenscraft, D., & Weiss, L. (1987). "The Validity of Studies with Line of Business Data: Comment." American Economic Review vol. 77 (1), 205-17. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S., Kreinin, M., & Sheehy, E. (1987). "Market Structure and the Pass-Through of Exchange-Rate Fluctuations." Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv vol. 123 (3), 449-62.
  • Martin, S. (1986). "Causes and Effects of Vertical Integration." Applied Economics vol. 18 (7), 737-55.
  • Martin, S., & Lunn, J. (1986). "Market, Firm, and Research and Development." Review of Economics and Business vol. 26 (1), 31-44.
  • Martin, S., & Goddeeris, J. (1985). "Policy Change and Structural Change in the Health Care Industry." Antitrust Bulletin vol. 30 (4), 949-74.
  • Martin, S. (1984). "The Misuse of Accounting Rates of Return: Comment." American Economic Review vol. 74 (3), 501-6.
  • Martin, S. (1984). "A Bainsian Interpretation of Von Weizsäcker's Model of Scale Economies." Southern Economic Journal vol. 50 (44), 1192-95.
  • Martin, S. (1984). "Comment on the Specification of Structure-Performance Relationships." European Economic Review vol. 24 (2), 197-201.
  • Martin, S., & Rence, C. (1984). "Vertical Spillovers, Market Concentration, Union Coverage, and Wages." Journal of Labor Research vol. 5 (2), 177-89.
  • Martin, S., & Koo, A. (1984). "Market Structure and U.S. Trade Flows." International Journal of Industrial Organization vol. 2 (3), 173-97.
  • Martin, S. (1984). "Testing the Interaction Between Concentration and Barriers to Entry." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 1 (2), 114-26.
  • Martin, S. (1984). "Structure and Performance of U.S. Wholesale Trade." Managerial and Decision Economics vol. 5 (3), 160-67.
  • Martin, S., Weiss, L., & Pascoe, G. (1983). "The Size of Selling Costs." Review of Economics And Statistics vol. 65 (4), 668-72. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S. (1983). "Vertical Relationships and Industrial Performance." Quarterly Review of Economics And Business vol. 23 (1), 6-18.
  • Martin, S. (1982). "Industry Demand Characteristics and the Structure-Performance Relationship." Journal of Economics and Business vol. 34 (1), 59-65.
  • Martin, S. (1982). "Depletion and Natural Resources." Quarterly Review of Economics and Business vol. 22 (2), 41-53.
  • Martin, S., & Ravenscraft, D. (1982). "Aggregation and Studies of Industrial Profitability." Economics Letters vol. 10 161-65.
  • Martin, S. (1980). "The Inflation-Adjusting Auctioneer: Comment on Obst." Quarterly Journal of Economics vol. 94 (2), 417-21.
  • Martin, S. (1979). "Advertising, Concentration, and Profitability: The Simultaneity Problem." Bell Journal of Economics vol. 10 (2), 639-47. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S. (1979). "Entry Barriers, Concentration, and Profits." Southern Economic Journal vol. 46 (2), 471-88.


  • Stephen Martin (2010). "Industrial Organization in Context." Oxford University Press Oxford.
  • Martin, S. (2003). "Advanced Industrial Economics." Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Press.
  • Martin, S. (2001). "Industrial Organization: A European Perspective." Oxford University Press.
  • Martin, S. (1998). "Competition Policies in Europe." Elsevier-North Holland Publishers.
  • Martin, S. (1994). "The Construction of Europe." Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Martin, S. (1988). "Industrial Economics: Economic Analysis and Public Policy." Macmillan, First Edition.

Forthcoming Publications

  • Martin, Stephen "Kreps & Scheinkman with Product Differentiation." Frontiers of Economics in China
  • Stephen Martin "The Potential Compensation Principle and the Constant Marginal Utility of Income." Japanese Economic Review
  • Martin, Stephen "The Kaldor-Hicks Potential Compensation Principle and the Constant Marginal Utility of Income." Review of Industrial Organization
  • Martin, Stephen "Economies as an Antitrust Defense: The Welfare Tradeoffs --- Introduction to the Special Issue." Review of Industrial Organization

Book Chapters

  • Martin, Stephen (2018). "Dispersion of Power as an Economic Goal of Antitrust Policy." Palgrave Macmillan 251-290.
  • Martin, S. (2018). "Behavioral Antitrust, in Handbook of Behavioral Industrial Organization." Edward Elgar
  • Martin, S. & El-Agraa, Ali (2010). "Energy Policy." Cambridge UP
  • Martin, S. (2009). "The Petroleum Industry." Macmillan New York.
  • Stephen Martin (2008). "The Goals of Antitrust and Competition Policy." American Bar Association | Related Website | Download |
  • Stephen Martin (2008). "Mergers: An Overview." Edward Elgar
  • Martin, S. (2007). "Competition Policy." Oxford University Press
  • Stephen Martin (2007). "Remembrance of Things Past: Antitrust, Ideology, and the Development of Industrial Economics." Elsevier 25-57. | Related Website | Download |
  • Martin, Stephen (2006). "Building on Coal and Steel: European Integration in the 1950s and the 1960s." Oxford University Press 126-140.
  • Martin, Stephen and Paola Valbonesi (2006). "State aid to business." Edward Elgar
  • Martin, S. (2004). "Coal and Steel: First Steps in European Market Integration." Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • Martin, S. (2004). "Globalization and the Limits of Competition." Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Martin, S. (2000). "Product Market Competition Policy and Technological Performance." Cambridge University Press 161-90.
  • Martin, S., & Valbonesi, P. (2000). "State Aid in Context." Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK. vol. 1 176-201.
  • Martin, S. (2000). "Resource Allocation by a Competition Authority." Routledge
  • Martin,S. (1999). "Depression Cartels, Market Structure, and Performance." Kluwer Academic Publishers Boston.
  • Martin,S. (1998). "Competition Policy: Publicity vs. Prohibition & Punishment." Elsevier-North Holland Publishers
  • Martin, S., Harstad, & Normann, H. (1998). "Experimental Tests of Consciously Parallel Behavior in Oligopoly." Cambridge University Press | Related Website |
  • Martin, S. (1997). "Public Policies Toward Cooperation in Research and Development: The European Union, Japan, The United States." Routledge London. 245-288.
  • Martin, S. (1997). "New Product Innovation Races." Kyushuu University Press Fukuoka. 91-118.
  • Martin, S., & Philips, L. (1995). "Product Differentiation and the Passthrough of Exchange Rates to Domestic Prices." Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht. 147-161. | Related Website |
  • Martin, S., & Evans, A. (1994). "Reform of the Structural Funds." Kluwer Academic Publishers 41-70.
  • Martin, S. (1992). "Economic Efficiency and Concentration: Are Mergers a Fitting Response?" I Valori Della Concorrenza 186-217.
  • Martin, S., & Measday, W. (1986). "The Petroleum Industry." Macmillan New York. (7), 38-73.
  • Martin, S., & Adams, W. (1986). "Public Support of Innovative Activity: Lessons From U. S. Industrial Policy." Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Dordrecht. 413-39.

Book Review

  • Martin, S. (2013). "In Search of a Chicago School: Review of Van Horn, Miroski, and Stapleford's Building Chicago Economics." Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 225-237.

Phone: (765) 494-4402
Office: RAWL 4027

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Area(s) of Expertise

Antitrust, Industrial Organization